Friday, May 18, 2012

My Alma Mater (Elementary)

       My elementary experience was full of fun and excitement.  It was hard and full of adventure, too.  Elementary life is very challenging and I am proud to complete it.  Too much playing and going out with friends are some of the reasons why I was not able to concentrate enough on my studies. Nevertheless, I got the top spot in the class J

Salvacion Elementary School

In my elementary level, I learned many things from my subjects and from my encounters with friends.  It was fun and exciting, meeting new friends and guys. I enjoyed chatting and playing with them.  We shared jokes and laughter.  Sometimes we were being scolded by our teachers due to being very “makulit”.  It was there that we did not listen to our lesson, sometimes we copy each other’s assignments and we tease each other.  But of course, I'm doing my assignment on my own.  During break time we ran after each other, teasing one another.

I have many plans after elementary graduation. Pursuing to a higher education is my major plan. I want to be ready before I finally face my high school life.  I must face this new challenge with pride and will try my best to finish it with awards.  I did. Now another challenge, building my career and profession. By God's grace, there's so much in stored for me, let’s wait and see…

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