Friday, May 18, 2012

Generation Full Force (Or. Mindoro District Camp '12)

       When I first heard about the GFF District Camp I got very excited – it sounds amazing! A Provincial-wide camp, gathering of young people from all around Oriental Mindoro Foursquare Gospel Churches to do what they like the most, honoring God, playing games and making friends! I applied for a week-long vacation right away.

Young people enjoyed an exciting three-day Sports Fest and fun, sweet worship, interactive seminars and group bonding sessions, fellowships, and so much more.

It was an amazing experience being in a crowd of young people worshiping together and valuing their relationship with God, and I am really blessed looking forward to it; however, I know that we don’t go there just for fun. We go there with a purpose. We were to make an impact in our generation, even if this change is small.

This network of young people is created not to be broken and forgotten, but to strengthen its chains and grow. The division into separate teams at the camp is virtual rather than real; it’s impossible to talk about unity, making disciples and honoring God without mentioning faith, integrity and excellence, and it’s impossible to develop these areas without leadership and discipline. After the end of the camp the campers take on this new responsibility to their local churches and their communities.

We are excited to have a group of young people that would break down barriers and build unity among our generation. That was our hearts' desire and the Lord granted us that and so much more.

On the last day of camp, I am blessed and moved by the heartfelt worship of the young people who stood up to praise God.  The message encouraged each other to keep following Jesus no matter what! Indeed, every camp is an awesome experience with the Lord and the youth went home on fire and blessed.

But, after a few weeks or months the ‘experience’ can be pushed into the past by problems, pressures, and friends, etc. That is why our camps are planned out to be more than just an experience with God but to be a life-changing encounter that would be a turning point in their lives.

Someone once told me that a bird doesn’t fly because it needs to, but because it has wings; it needs to fly, it has an urge to fly. Now, we are the birds, and in time, we will grow our wings. We will learn how to make a difference carrying the FULL FORCE of the GENERATION.

However, one Pastor said that we can see the whole world if only we’re standing on the giant’s shoulder. Meaning, we can only fulfill our dreams if we’re stepping along the right track, and if we’re in the middle of great young people of this generation. We have God’s shoulders, forever. 

We praise the Lord for the awesome work He did through this camp and we give Him all the glory and honor!


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