Friday, May 18, 2012

Burgoo for Meng's B-day

Joan and I took Tameng out for a birthday dinner at Burgoo-Gateway last May 4 after attending youth service together at Victory- U-belt.

Choosing the best

Meng &Joan

I had a great night. It was fun. I’m so glad to have wonderful friends who can take out for birthday dinners J I’m happy.

I do not know what’s with Burgoo that I always go back to it.  I remember whenever I go to Robinson’s Galleria or Gateway Mall, Burgoo has always been my choice of dining place.  It’ll most probably be because it has great ambiance that we can stay there for a long time just to chit-chat and enjoy good food.

Tameng, the celebrant

 Of course Tameng ordered a margarita. Of course it was so strong that all I tasted was tequila. But I downed that thing like a champ.

And the pizza was amazing. I ate it all despite being so full.

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