Sunday, May 23, 2010

Things I Believe

I believe life is good.
I believe God is in everything.
I believe GOD created everything we know.
I believe there is no greater love than he that lays down his life to save another.
I believe that I am a member of the Body of Christ, and that He acts in this world through our embodiment of him.
I believe faith, hope and prayers are very powerful weapons
I believe there is a soul mate out there for you
I believe we're all equal.
I believe we can help people.
I believe everyone is weird in their own way.
I believe saying smart things and giving smart answers are important. Learning to listen to others and to ask smart questions is more important.
I believe that when I meditate I feel peaceful.
I believe we should be generous.
I believe brothers and sisters should be kind to each other.
I believe that happiness is a decision and learning to make that decision is a huge part of the reason we’re here.
I believe kids should respect their parents.
I believe I should not whine.
I believe people should wake up early.
I believe people should go outside more.
I believe in nature.
I believe people should use less trees.
I believe we should CONSERVE the natural habitat and rainforest animals.
I believe people shouldn't throw litter on the ground.
I believe people should not smoke.
I believe everything happens for a reason.
I believe in magic.
I believe dogs are preferable to cats, but that kittens and puppies are equally cute.
I believe people should not give up.
I believe love is everywhere.
I believe in asking yourself, do I have enough? Do you really need more money, power, prestige, or stuff?
I believe that God helps us to have a good time.
I believe we live best in a community.
I believe in learning how to fight as if you are right and listen as if you are wrong: It helps you develop strong opinions that are weakly held.
I believe we can protect people in danger.
I believe we should help the poor.
I believe that no one should be denied health care or education for lack of money
I believe it's OK to die but not to kill.
I believe I can work smarter, not harder.
I believe you get what you expect from people. This is especially true when it comes to selfish behavior; unvarnished self-interest is a learned social norm, not an unwavering feature of human behavior.
I believe war should not have started.
I believe war should stop.
I believe we can make peace.
I believe that the best test of a person's character is how he or she treats those with less power.
I believe in the saying “Do onto others as you want them to do onto you”
I believe forgiveness goes a long way
I believe regret is a wasted emotion, learn and move on.
I believe honesty and sometimes silence is the best policy
I believe that pets are good for your health.
I believe only a dog wants a bone.
I believe I can concentrate on what I can do, not what I can't do
I believe on following through on promises
I believe sometimes the best management is no management at all -- first do no harm!
I believe indifference is as important as passion.
I believe that the weaker the argument, the louder the voice.
I believe in organizational life, you can have influence over others or you can have freedom from others, but you can't have both at the same time.
I believe "Everyone else does" isn't a reason; it's an excuse.
I believe children are not born as blank slates to write upon. People are born with their basic personality and temperament. I've seen too many good people who come from bad families, and bad people who come from good families to believe different.
I believe God put that itchy spot on our backs, just exactly where we can’t reach it, to encourage us to be nice to each other.
I believe I work to live, I don't live to work.
I believe minds are like parachutes; in order to function properly, they must be open.
I believe that the intentional celibacy is unnatural.
I believe you can't successfully nor ethically legislate morality.
I believe knowledge is power.