Sunday, December 4, 2016

Basic English Literacy Program (BELiP)

Successful launching of Basic English Literacy Program (BELiP) in Tagaytay & Tinis-an Mangyan Community. We will be accommodating volunteer teachers/BELiPers starting next month (5 days duration) for these communities!

Thank you awesome Keep Hope Alive youth volunteers & teachers for dedicating you time and energy.This project aimed at improving literacy among out-of-schools youth and Mangyan adults in Mindoro by developing basic literacy skills of reading, writing and numeracy and providing an alternative pathway of learning for those who do not have access to basic education. This program will use informal English literacy education which is a life skills and short-term course that addresses the special needs and interests of target youths, adults or parents to promote pride in their work and ownership of their responsibilities as members of the family and their community. This literacy learning intervention will be utilizing volunteer English teachers and literate family members to help non-literate members upgrade their literacy skills and improve the educational opportunities of poor families in the depressed, deprived and under-served areas. of Keep Hope Alive in partnership with Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) & sponsored by U.S. Embassy, Manila Philippines, launched las Dec. 1-3 for the celebration of YSEALI YOUnified. #younified #Belip#younifiedph #belipers

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