Thursday, March 8, 2012

Find solutions to some of life's difficult problems

 We live in troubled times, from personal issues to world crises, economic challenges to challenging relationships. Stress has become a common part of our everyday lives. Some individuals manage to cope and keep things in healthy perspective. For others, these challenges can result in unhealthy reactions like anxiety, depression, and even alcohol abuse. However, it's often hard to judge when normal feelings of worry, fear, and stress cross the line and become a serious condition that impacts both your emotional and physical health. With proper evaluation, anxiety disorders are treatable. Through medication or psychological therapy, or both, they can be brought under control.

     The good news is that there are real solutions to these serious issues. Understanding why someone is anxious, depressed, or abusing alcohol is the first step. Knowing the treatment options—both medical and therapeutic—is critical to resolving these difficult problems. If you have ever suffered from depression or been close to someone who has, you know that this illness cannot be wished away or relieved at will. Depression can have enormous depth and staying power, but there are a variety of medications and treatments that provide real help. A recent study showed that for those who stuck with treatment, depression lifted completely in seven out of 10 people, and others experienced relief of many symptoms. But discovering which treatment options work best requires knowledge and perseverance.

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