Sunday, February 26, 2012


I am often asked what motivated me to accomplish these things at my age. My answer is simple. I was willing to try.

With Mangyan family at Quinomay, 2008

I'm a regular teenager when I started caring for the kids in my community. I started out with free Saturday lessons (academics, acting, dance and arts) and Sunday school teaching. When I was in college I decided to launch a feeding and health program for young children in my community. I initially involved about 50 kinder students in the feeding program and another 30 kids for healthy teeth campaign. Some of these kids don't have their own toothbrushes because of poverty and family economic conditions.  In nursing school, we are taught to be responsible for our own community, be an advocate of health and welfare especially for those people in need and to educate people about health issues, improve community health and safety, and increase access to care. Today, more than 350 students are part of this program every 3 months. I can’t contain the happiness every time I see the joy and heartfelt smiles of these kids; it’s fulfilling and motivating - priceless. I’m excited to do it again and again! I’m really happy seeing them growing and learning. In accomplishing this, I wouldn't consider myself gifted with a big heart, special, or anything else. I'm just someone who thinks "I can." Sometimes that it all it takes.

Art lessons with my cousins and siblings, 2007
With Mangyan kids, 2008
With kids, 2009
I have done health lectures and art workshops for children in the community and the greatest passion I've heard have come from them. Sometimes those great ideas never take flight because the kids who came up with them are looking at all the reasons that they can't make it happen instead of all the reasons they can! Thinking that you "can" will soon turn into believing that you really "can."

And once you believe it - it will begin to happen for you. There are always emotional, physical and financial resources which are available for the people who want to do something great for their communities. Volunteers and mentors are out there who share your dream and are willing to step up and help. They are just looking for someone with a vision and age, often, has nothing to do with brilliance, courage, and wisdom... Everyone can dare to be the person they truly are by living their dream if they are just willing to try!

Gift giving, 2010
Anti-Dengue Drive, 2010

                    Feeding Program, 2011

I know as kids we say "when I grow up I want to be..." I'm here to say, START NOW! You don't have to wait until you grow up to make a valuable difference in this world. And isn't that what we all want to do? Make the world a better place? I believe with all my heart that we design our own futures. We have God who has all the power to make things happen for ourselves. Some worry that someone won't "let" them do what they want to do. Do your own research, show people why you can.
Health Drive, 2011
Healthy Teeth Campaign, 2012
My mentors and supporters, my elementary teachers

You probably heard the old saying "keep your eye on the prize." That saying works for me. I believe what the end result is that I really want, and in God’s perfect time, I believe it can happen. That has brought me results of happiness every time. Don't wait to be asked. Be the person who acts. You know you have it in you. As I said before, all it takes to make a difference in your personal life, your family, community, your country and your world is to be the person who is willing to try. After that, everything else falls into place.
These kids surprised me with their birthday cards, greetings and artworks.
Two of my 'alaga'.
Feeding Program 2012

You don't need approval or permission from anyone but yourself to step up and make a difference. If you really believe in yourself, and your abilities, others will too. Your faith, passion and belief in yourself will bring the resources and support you need to make it happen. Tomorrow's world is yours so today, this moment, whatever you do for yourself and the community will be a great expansion. There are lot of young men and women all around the globe performing brilliant things to make this world a better place to live in; you can be one of them.

Kids lining up for Veggie Soup and Cereal Milk.
With Ma'am Mecca, distributing school supplies.
My favorite kid - during Healthy teeth lectures.
Keep Hope Alive kids after feeding program.

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